Daily Archives: October 19, 2009

thoughts.on.worship – 10.18.09

It seems to me that when things begin to unravel, things fall apart rather quickly. And again, for me, this past Sunday morning was one of those mornings. Rehearsal seemed to go okay, but for me things in service seemed to be rather ruff. I played lots of wrong stuff, heard wrong notes from others, I counted off Majestic totally wrong, we struggled to stay with click tracks, it just seemed like nothing was fitting/coming together very well.

As I took my guitar off and placed it on the stand I actually thought to myself, thank God this is over…

Yet, after church I had at least 7-8 people tell me how great they thought worship was and how much they appreciated it.

~ Go figure ~

I’m not sure why this seems to happen, but someone told me this yesterday, “I guess it just goes to show us that there is more happening during our worship encounters than ‘us’ doesn’t it?” How true that is.

God help me, as a leader, to become more and more focused on YOU, rather than on how people may or may not be responding, or how things seem to be going from a musical standpoint…cause as we hear a lot around here, it’s not about us, it’s all about You.

What are your thoughts on worship?